Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Why content remains king for your business during coronavirus outbreak?

Due to the outbreak of Coronavirus or COVID-19, most of the companies are experiencing a setback. With rapidly spreading Coronavirus all businesses have started working remotely. The necessary tech or marketing conferences are being canceled. Every business company is finding and trying every alternative to achieve progress and efficiency. Marketing companies are being affected adversely as their traditional marketing strategies are withheld. 

To keep your business firm in the field, to achieve progress, and to prevent losses, content proves to be the savior. Content marketing can help save your business from sinking. As it is said, Content is the King, it will help you to connect with your customers directly. The better the engagement with customers, the better the marketing. 

While the pandemic is bringing the crisis to every sector, content can help in providing useful information about your business, inspire, educate, and engage your customers. Content marketing will establish an on-going relationship with consumers during or even after the COVID-19 pandemic. 

If you follow a good content marketing strategy, no matter what the situation is, your business can always remain in the field undaunted, along with the advantage of being connected to your audience all the time. 

Coronavirus throws a new challenge to marketers who shine through the traditional strategic channels. In difficult times, communicating the brand values and identities remain crucial. Every business must ensure that their customers are well aware that the brand is still available and expecting business. Content marketing can help companies in staying relevant and active over multiple online platforms especially during lockdowns and health crises. 

Why is content creation important?

With the evolution of the marketing environment, consumers are changing their mode of business. Customers look for information that throws light on the companies’ value, expertise, reliability, and worth of their hard-earned money. Hence they google or search content about your company. This calls for the need for excellent content on your website. 

Given below are 5 reasons why content creation is important during the coronavirus outbreak:
  • It is important that customers recognize your brand to be relevant. Hence keeping the name of your brand active at least through content is crucial.
  • While everyone is fighting against this pandemic, customers do understand that the business is paused temporarily. But they will look for information that provides details about when and how the business will resume, when will they receive the services or products. Your content can help answer the customers.
  • Transparent communication between the brand and consumers is a must. With effective communication, customers tend to empathize with the company in crisis. With all the traditional channels being blocked, content marketing will overcome the loopholes of the current situation.
  • Communicative content about the present crisis will help your customers know your contribution to preventing COVID-19 and in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for your customers and employees.
  • Creating content will increase your online presence and provide easy access to customers

Why content strategy is important?

Content strategy involves creating meaningful, engaging, informative content that targets a large number of customers online. This, in turn, increases the customers and sales of the company. 

The answers to why content strategy is important are listed below: 

  • Creating connections with the audience: With an effective strategy and amazing content on your website, the brand can connect with its consumers directly and effectively
  • Educating the customers: A coherent content strategy of a company can enhance the brand information of customers
  • A strong base to marketing: A well-built content marketing strategy will become the core of your business marketing as it will increase coherency, enhance sales statistics and gather a huge number of customers and gain attention over the internet
  • Sense of security: When customers know that your business is available even during crisis and can be easily accessed, a sense of security is developed within the customers. This will increase the trustworthiness of your business
  • Cost-effective: It is proved that content marketing reduces up to 62% of the cost over traditional marketing channels. It also increases the number of leads by 3 times when compared to other marketing channels. Especially during situations where there are fewer resources, a content strategy will be an advantage to your business

Why is content marketing important for your business?

While the whole world is panicking due to the rapidly spreading Coronavirus, expecting your business to work at the same pace is difficult. With limitations on social gatherings, working hours, and employees working remotely your business may not be able to make as many sales or progress as it would otherwise. This is when content marketing comes to your rescue. 

Using digital media to spread awareness about COVID-19 to your customers and also informing them about your take on the present situation can be very beneficial. Appropriate content on your website which educates the customer on the working of your business will make the customers come back after you resume working.  

Content marketing has proved beneficial for every company. Given below are a handful of reasons why is content marketing important for your business?
  • It builds trust
  • Publishing your content can build brand awareness
  • Showcases your subject-matter-expertise
  • Target desired audience
  • Easier to have direct conversations with your customers
  • Helpful in finding new leads 
  • Chance to create a new network of customers

Why small businesses need content marketing?

A situation where even a big company is facing challenges in working and progressing normally, being a small business the difficulty may be high.  Small businesses can find it a chance to create, build, and improve their brand identity by being available online and posting effective content about their business and working structure amidst the pandemic. This is perhaps the best reason why small businesses need content marketing and advertising. 

If a business can stay relevant during critical times then customers tend to build a trusting relationship with such a company. Hence content marketing plays a very important role in the progress of small businesses. 

Small businesses can attract a wide range of audiences, build networks, increase the number of buyers, give reasons to come back to your website, implementing services that adapt to current situations and all these are possible with content marketing. 

Penned By: Yashaswini Kudachi

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