Thursday, August 15, 2019

Top 5 Real Estate Social Media Marketing Strategies

As a realtor, do you have a strong presence on social media? Social media plays a crucial role in real estate industry. It helps you reach out to more clients. And maintain strong relation with your existing clients. Furthermore, you can accelerate your marketing efforts through social media. In other words, you can promote your real estate services on various social media channels. For instance, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. These platforms help you to connect with sellers, buyers and renters. Are you aware of the real estate social media marketing trends? Here are some tips that you need to follow while marketing your real estate business on social media.     
1. Educate your audience

In order to build your credibility, you need to educate your audience on social media. On the other hand, do not just focus on your property listings. You need to pay attention to the most common questions asked by the home buyers and sellers. Figure out what they are looking for. And then create blog posts on them. For instance, you can talk about pitfalls related to real estate. Or you can create blogs on home buying tips. Furthermore, such blog posts tend to get shared on various social media platforms. In addition, people love visual content. Videos help you create an emotional connection with your audience. In fact, YouTube videos enhance your website’s ranking. When you create valuable real estate content for social media, people keep coming back to you.

2. Connect with your followers

Most home buyers expect instant reply to their queries. And most of them have stopped calling the real estate agents. Instead, most home buyers are using the Facebook’s recommendations feature. Or using Twitter to tweet at the real estate offices. Therefore, you need to be an active participant on social media. You need to grab such opportunities of starting a conversation with your followers. People who ask questions on social media may be in the early stages of the buying process. Hence, make sure you are the first one to answer their questions. This may turn out lucky for you.

3. Respond to all the comments

You need to be polite and prompt when you respond to comments on your posts. Also, you need to overlook the negative comments. Instead, try to respond to those who appreciate your service. For instance, most people comment to gain more information about a particular listing. When you instantly reply to their comments, you may gain a new client.

"A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit. — Richard Bach"

4. Do not ignore your existing clients

While connecting with new prospects, do not forget your existing clients. You can invite your previous sellers and buyers to join your social media groups. Or Invite them to like your real estate business page on Facebook. The clients who have already dealt with you have power to share their positive experience. And perhaps recommend you to their friends. Furthermore, you need to pay attention to what your clients are saying about your brand. For example, you can create a survey and gain valuable feedback through Google Forms. This strategy makes it easier for you to post interesting real estate content for social media.

5. Promote the town, instead of just the house

Home buyers are usually looking for detailed information about an entire town. For instance, the advantages of staying in a particular locality. Or the shortcomings of certain localities. Don’t just add some flowery words while explaining about an area. You need to include all the pros and cons of the neighborhood areas. Your Instagram business account is perfect for posting some beautiful photos. Post photos of the town in which your properties are located. You can also mention “@CityOf...” Twitter handle in your tweets. This helps to promote your properties located in that particular city.

Summing Up

Do you want to take your real estate marketing company to the next level? Then you need to upgrade your real estate marketing strategy. In other words, you need to invest in the real estate social media marketing trends. Engage your clients on social media just the way you socialize offline. This will help you have an extra edge over your competitors. At the same time, do not forget to keep it authentic and compelling. 

 Penned By: Aanchal Patil 

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