Saturday, April 27, 2019

SEO – a winning formula in the race of increasing traffic to your website

Search Engine Optimization abbreviated as SEO is a simple procedure, widely used for affecting a website’s visibility on unpaid search engine result pages. By now, you must be knowing that search engine optimization techniques are must and should for driving heavy traffic to your website. Search engine optimization latest technique not only brings better ranking for your website but also an excellent user experience.

What is SEO and how it works?

SEO is not about developing a website that is search engine friendly but also making it better for the users. At times SEO is just a matter of ensuring your website is designed in a way that is understood by miscellaneous search engines. Highest ranked website, which is found in the list of search results obtains numerous viewers through search engine’s users.

Confused? We are here to help you – get ready!

Foremost commercial search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing enormously help in driving web traffic. Though social media and other kind of traffic can generate enormous visits to a website, search engines are essential for most of the internet users.

Search engines are undoubtedly very smart, but they still require some kind of help. Although search engines are constantly working to upsurge their technology and give an enhanced result, SEO can get you a number of visitors and increase the popularity of your website. SEO also boosts the ranking of your website in order to make your content easily available to the search engines.

Now a days internet has turned out to be very competitive hence companies are acclimating SEO due to which their website will be benefited with a good number of visitors.

Types of Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is the process of increasing your website’s ranking on the result list of a search engine. Understanding the different types of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which are available for your service will help you in meeting future goals.

Before focusing on how to escalate traffic through SEO, you should know what SEO is and what are its types. Only then, you will be in a position to analyze what type of SEO is suitable for your website to upsurge the number of visitor. There are 3 kinds of SEO: Black Hat SEO, White Hat SEO, and Grey Hat SEO.

                            "What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure.
                                                                 - Samuel JohnsonI"

White Hat SEO: popular SEO technique

This advantageous technique refers to the SEO techniques, which are related to the guidelines of SEO. If you are one among those who are looking for a long term investment for your site, then you can blindly trust White Hat SEO techniques. Usually White Hat SEO takes much time when it comes to work, but it will never cause any damage to the reputation of your website. This technique includes 3 major steps – optimizing content, improving the speed of your website and writing content that will positively attract backlinks directing to the website.

Black Hat SEO: direct invitation to problems

If you are ready to be penalized by Google, then go for this technique. It is one such technique where you will have to use some techniques that will attempt to fool Google and go against their guidelines in order to provide high ranking for your website. This technique also misuses some of the weaknesses in search engines to gain higher rankings for a particular website. Black Hat is a type of SEO that includes keyword stuffing, writing text with the same color as of the background to generate text that is not readable and spamming links of other websites in comment sections.

Grey Hat SEO: neither Black nor White Hat

As the name implies, it is not too good nor bad, lies in between. This technique is a combination of both Black and White Hat SEO that includes buying ancient domains and linking them to your website. This technique also includes redesigning your website often and paying for reviews.

Why SEO matters?

If you run a business and have an online website, you must be aware of how important SEO is for your website. Recent days, SEO has grown so much that it has become an important aspect for any kind of website and also to the business that do not have a website. There are n number of web pages that match potential keyword, if you want your website to rank high make sure that your site’s SEO gives an unmatched possibility.

Although there are millions of internet users who make trillions of searches every second, with the help of SEO, it makes sure that the content of your website finds its envisioned target. The simplest way for your website to rank high is writing some content using SEO in blogs, descriptions and image names.

SEO for business without a website

If you are thinking that SEO is only for a website, then your completely wrong. There are many benefits of search engine optimization even though if you don’t have a website. Most of the mobile users search the directions or contact details of a business; just by having your business profile listed in some of the online sites, your business can be benefited from SEO without owning a website.

Google Maps, Google My Business etc., make it all cushy. If you have an account in Google My Business you can add some images, contact number and description for a positive outcome. By adding some SEO keywords in the description, your business can be visible to several users around the world who are in search of a particular service.

SEO for small and medium scale business

Those days are no more where only big companies ruled the industry; in todays world small as well as medium sale business are giving equivalent competition to the top establishments. Most of the businesses offer similar services, but it is actual important for small and medium scale businesses to give a tough competition and to do so SEO is an ultimate solution. No matter how worthy your content is, frail SEO can ruin it completely for you. Positively increase your website’s ranking on the top most search engines like Yahoo, Google, Bing and so on. Google is one such search engine that gives preference to small and medium scale business hence make sure that you implement all the SEO strategies including keyword usage, infographics etc., for better results. Google and Search Engine Optimization go hand in hand to bring in highest ranking for your website and SEO has now become the serious element to achieve success in digital marketing.

Why SEO is significant to gain online success

Search Engine Optimization is among the best practices in 2018 for your website. SEO investment can offer countless benefits to your business and can also help to get your website on the foremost page of Google. As your Google ranking progresses, your website will appear more often at the top of searches. This will also generate some awareness among the viewers, and the more people view your website mean a greater possibility of being popular. The content boosted by SEO also appears on social media channels, which helps in promoting your business.

Inbound marketing strategies – SEO allows you to reach out people when they are looking for services that are offered by your business. With SEO you will not be advertising your business in television or online news articles instead your business comes into picture when people are searching for services that your business may offer.

Benefits of SEO friendly website

If you are looking to get highest ranking and increase traffic for your website, search engine optimization strategies and tools will positively help you. Search results that appear on top in the list of various search engines are considered trustworthy than other results. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can also boost your sales and help in the growth of your business. SEO strategies provide everlasting results hence you can sit back and relax. Search Engine Optimization reviews are all on the positive side and is worth considering if you want your website to rank high.

If you wish to make your website SEO friendly, first you need to design a website that is user friendly. A SEO friendly site is one, which can be easily read and understood by the search engines. To make your website SEO friendly, you should include unique and catchy titles for your descriptions and the URL of a webpage should be all in lower case, words separated by hyphens. Also, including images on the webpage that are enhanced for search engines will bring in wholesome results. A Search Engine Optimization (SEO) friendly website will get round the clock traffic for your website without spending money for online advertisements.

SEO is the only tool that will put you in the spotlight.

SEO is not dead, but your business will be if you don’t use SEO to gain highest ranking. Now that you are familiar with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), welcome it with open arms to achieve online success.

Penned By: Anita Kocheri

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