Monday, July 27, 2020

Top 8 social media content writing tips

Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., have jumped out as such relevant and valuable places to share any type of content. With millions of monthly active users, it’s even becoming a tough job to make your post stand out among others. When it comes to social media posting, the primary reason to succeed is to engage your audience. How do you do that? By writing a smart and creative social media content that attracts the readers. The unique and innovative post, the more likes, shares, and comments you will get on your post. Now, you must be wondering how to do that? Take a sigh of relief, because we are going to share some top tactics about how to write better content for social media? Here’s how you can make your social media content more appealing.

1. The headline is your master

It’s really very important to understand that whether your content is innovative and unique, a weak headline can screw up the chances of making your content successful. So, you don’t want to fall into this trap. Right? Well, for that you have to have to come up with a stellar headline that will not only earn you more clicks on your social media post but can quickly increase the success rate of all your social media content. Remember a good headline is the one that serves a powerful message and motivates your target audience to read it. 

2.Research, research, and research!

Researching before you post your content on social media platforms is considered as one of the best practices for social media writing. We all get so excited whenever we write content and post it on social media. We expect our target audience to connect with us and give us praiseworthy comments. Isn’t it? But, what if that turns out to be the exact opposite of what you thought. So, to impress your target audience you need to create a highly relevant post. But, that’s not just enough. You need to understand what your audience is expecting from you and what challenges and obstacles they are facing. Try to develop content that helps them to solve their problem. With this, you are sure to be loved by your audience. 

3. Write about trending topics

If you want your social media post to get the highest visibility and traffic, then writing about trending topics is one of the best tips for writing social media posts. Writing about the latest popular stuff in the current scenario is more likely to receive thousands of likes, shares, and subscribers. Here are some of the sources from where you can find the trending topics to write your blog for social media. For example, Quora, Medium, Buzzsumo, Linkedin Pulse, Feedly, EpicBeat, Feedly, Pocket, Social Mention, etc. 

4.Adress your target audience 

Addressing your target audience is the first and foremost rule of how to write better content for social media? Remember when it comes to social media content your audience is pivotal. But, if you don’t know who they are then there’s no way you can climb the ladder of success. Take your time and do deep research and create a solid understanding of who your target audience is and what they actually care for. 

Whenever you write a blog for social media, it’s good to include “you”. It gives them a sense of satisfaction that the entire focus and importance have been given to them. This tip will not only catch the attention of your reader but also make sure that the post you publish on social media will have a broad and wide range of traffic. 

5. Keep it simple and short

Since most of the readers scroll the feed so quickly, it’s very difficult to hold onto their attention. Yes, it’s very difficult but it’s not impossible. You can grab their attention. But how? Well, a general rule is to keep your post between 100 to 250 characters. A specific, concrete, and tangible headline can do well. By using bullets, headlines, and lists, you can make your post or content easier to read. Try to keep the paragraphs to only two to three sentences. When you are writing on the interesting topic be as brief as possible. Keeping your content to the point is one of the best expert tips for writing social media posts.

6. Establish your voice

One of the most superior social media content writing tips you can get from experts is to use your own voice while writing for social media posts. Although you should use the language of your target audience, overall the information should be written in your own voice. For example, your voice shows the emotions and personality of your company and how you use that voice with the language when writing social media posts. The voice you are using should be constant throughout the content you post on social media. 

7. Images and videos are king and queen of the social media community

It is believed that visual content is more eye-catching and has the power to tell a story in a more succinct manner. While people can remember only 10% of what they read, they can remember 65% of what they see. To drive the maximum attention of your readers, try to fill up your content with images and videos. Making the use of pictures and videos in your content is considered as one of the best practices for social media writing rather than just writing a piece of content without images. As a matter of fact, a picture or a video can convey the message in a better way to your audience. 

8. Add a CTA (Call to Action)

By the end of your content, make sure you tell your readers what you want them to do next. Most of the readers just wait to give their opinion about what they liked most about your content, or what they didn’t like, what they expect more, and so on. Call to Action has different purposes and comes in different forms. 

  • Ask them to leave a comment
  • Tell them to share, like the social media post
  • Tell them to visit your website for more information
  • Add “Contact Us” or “Learn More”
  • Tell them to connect with you on other social media platforms
  • Direct them to other social media post

Well, those were some of the top social media content writing tips. Don’t worry if you haven’t implemented these tactics in your previous social media post. Better late than never. Now, you have read all the tips, remember to implement them for your next content or post. Good Luck!

Penned By: Nausheen Kazi

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