Thursday, July 30, 2020

Is there a demand for content writers?

It is believed that for a successful digital marketing campaign, content is the pillar. In the modern world, many and many businesses are depending on content to gain huge traffic for their websites. A recent study has shown that the keywords like ‘what is content marketing strategy’, ‘how to do content marketing’, ‘content writer job description’, ‘why content marketing is important’ and other questions regarding content writing and content marketing are ranked high with respect to search volume in comparison with other digital marketing jobs. 

So, with this, we can get an idea about the tremendous demand for content writing and how extensive the content writing field is. Well, this blog is all about scope for content writing, reasons for the demand, content writing career prospects, job roles, and responsibilities of content writers. So, let’s quickly go through it. 

How can you become a content writer?

Good writing skills and an analytical mind are the two important things that you need to have to become a successful content writer. Anyone can make sound career in content writing without any particular degree or educational qualification. However, to become a full-time content writer you need to be a graduate as the employers usually hire graduates and postgraduates.

Is there scope for content writing 

In today’s world, more and more businesses are hiring content writers to create content for their websites. Well, it’s impossible to mention the entire scope of content writing in this blog, but we will try to mention a few statistics to understand the scope and demand for content writers. 
  1. According to Neil Patel “, Content Leaders Drive 7.8 times more traffic than others”.
  2. 56% percent of marketers consider that personalized content generates higher engagement rates and enhances brand recall.
  3. Content marketing costs 60% less than traditional marketing
  4. Brands that invest in content marketing have a six times greater conversion rate
  5. It is considered that 73% of organizations hire content writers to manage their content.  
Looking at the above stats, it’s clear that there is a huge demand for content writers and opportunities are available in massive amounts. 

Career options offered in content writing?

1. Associate with the corporate world

There are a plethora of options available in the field of corporate. You can work as a technical writer, business writer, copywriter, etc. Among all the options technical writing and copywriting stand out to be the best choices as they have a huge demand. Let’s look at the different options available in the corporate field.


Copywriting is nothing but a form of effective writing that is used to convince readers and customers to take specific actions like clicking on a link, purchasing a product, subscribing to a newsletter, etc. Copywriting is usually short, brief, and to the point. 

Business and general content 

You all might know that business content is mainly used in business communication. Website content, case studies, training modules, technical content, white papers, transactional email, coursework, etc, are some of the examples of business content. Now, what’s general content? Well, the general content is nothing but writing content for news, fiction, role plays, welcome messages, songs, poems, legal, resume stories, personal profiles, etc. 

Academic writer

Academic writers are hired by organizations dealing with education. Academic writers predominantly deal with students' assignments, drafting books, and curriculum. 

2. Be a digital marketer

Demand for digital marketers is huge, so if you combine your writing skills with marketing, then you can grow a lot. Digital marketers are the ones who bring revenue to an organization. Below are some of the unique forms of writing that play a big role in digital marketing. 

SEO Writing

Search Engine Optimization content demands the writers to write quality content for articles, directories, and guest posts. SEO writing is the simplest way of writing and the keyword density in this form of writing plays a pivotal role. In SEO writing you must focus on two things, that your content must be unique and 100% plagiarism free and how to appropriately insert keywords. According to the content writing career prospects, SEO writing is considered as the most successful one. 

Social Media Content Writing

Writing content for social media is one of the most high-level and highest-paying jobs. Almost all businesses nowadays use social media platforms to promote their content to generate consistent traffic to their website. Daily millions of content are posted across each social media platform. This shows that there is a huge scope of content writing. 

3. Be a published author

In today’s world what can be more amazing than writing your own book and building a lifetime income opportunity. You can even self-publish your own book on amazon kindle. There are a large number of writers who are earning millions of dollars by selling books on Amazon Kindle. So, if you want to earn the same amount of money, then in addition to the writing skills you need to have other skills to make your book rank the top. 

4. Grow into a full-time blogger 

Full-time blogging is one of the fantastic streams to create passive income. If you want to grow as a full-time blogger, then you have to write for yourself on a topic of your choice. In the beginning, you need to be patient and try to invest your time in writing excellent content and attracting an audience without expecting any income. You need to be proficient in digital marketing along with writing to succeed as a full-time blogger. 

Reasons for increased demand for content writers
  • Content writers help the readers to increase knowledge, gain information and make them understand the significance of a particular topic that they are trying to communicate
  • Content writers know very well how to draw the attention of customers by providing quality content and helping the clients to rank better in google. 
  • The content writer works with the goal of increasing the conversion rates of the business.
  • Good content writers help the customers to find the potential product/service easily.
  • Content writers provide their clients with SEO Friendly content by paying attention to long-tail keywords, headings, subheadings, title tags, and keywords to improve the ranking on the website 
Job roles and responsibilities of content writers

A content writer must create engaging and unique content for the company's promotion. Content writers must be able to create content for product descriptions, digital media, prints, and reviews. There are different kinds of job roles based upon the requirements of a specific niche of business. SEO content writer, Content Manager, Digital marketing content writer, English content writer, Technical content writer, Web content writer, E-commerce content writer, etc are some of the examples of the content writer job description. 

Being a content writer you need to handle several responsibilities to create an exceptional piece of content. So, let’s see what those are.
  • Establishing attractive and unique headlines and body
  • Introducing appropriate facts
  • Generating creative ideas with the team
  • creating original content after doing competitive analysis
  • Developing excellent social media network
  • Writing various forms of content on different niche
Content writing as a field has immense potential and those who are trying to make their career in this field will have a shining future. So, in this article, we have mentioned everything regarding the demand for content writing. I hope it will be helpful for you all. 

Penned By: Nausheen Kazi

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