Saturday, August 10, 2019

Trending content writing topics that will engage your audience

We all want our website to rank higher on search engines. And you would want to drive new traffic to your website. Furthermore, you need to retain your existing customers as well. Therefore, writing trending topics is very important to engage your target audience. Moreover, people share your interesting content on social media platforms. You need to think of trending topics while crafting content for your website. For instance, your content needs to inspire readers to take action.

Certain unique blog ideas may strike you spontaneously. However, there is an t exhaustive list of trending articles you can write on. But what if there is a shortcut to get you started? Here are some most popular blog topic ideas that will add more value to your website.

* Insightful lists

* Business lessons

* “How-to” tutorials

* Predictions or yearly summaries

* Promotional content

* Industry events

* Industry research

* Useful tools

* Company values and culture

Which are the interesting topics to write about?

If you are a beginner, you can start with “how-to” guides or insightful lists. However, once you are comfortable, you can craft with more inspiring content. For instance, a case study, predicting a trend or fictional conversation.

“How-to” guides

You can come up with plenty of interesting topics on “how-to” tutorials. Most people love “how-to” content. It drives the majority of the audience. Are you capable of doing something slightly better than others? Then you can certainly write about it in an interesting format. You need to consider something that you are good at. Once you figure out the topic, you can explain it stepwise. In order to create an impact, try to explain each step with examples and facts.

Case study based on your experience

A case study is yet another interesting format of crafting an article. You can write a case study based on your personal experience or someone else’s experience. For instance, if you have excelled in some areas where others are seeking a solution. You can present your success story and inspire others to take action. Furthermore, you can also share the lessons learned from your own experience.

Fictional Conversation

You can take this risk and try to write a fictional conversation. First of all, you need to choose a topic that interests you. You can then write your blog in the form of a dialogue between yourself and an imaginary person. Dialogues are not only easy to write but will sound authentic. Moreover, you can try to experiment with a fictional email as well.

"What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure. 
- Samuel Johnson"

Industry news, events, and research

Is there new research going on in your industry? Explain it in your next blog post. You can also make predictions about new technology. And how it may impact the future generation. In addition, you can review past trends as well. However, you need to include some facts to prove your forecasts. You can also write your experience with a recently occurred industry event.

Add your perspective on a trending topic

People love to read and share content that is trending. You can pen down your perspective on a particular topic or news. Try to choose a topic that may create an impact on their professional or personal lives. On the other hand, you can pick some ideas from already published content. And then add your additional insights to it. This is yet another unique blog idea.

Useful tips and business tools

You can write about some useful tools that are benefitting your business. Create a detailed blog post and explain how to use them. Furthermore, you can post an interesting video for promoting your in-house tool. “Useful list” is one of the most popular blog topics. Are you good at something but haven’t shared it with your audience? Well, you can create an interesting list of useful tips. This will certainly grab the attention of most visitors. For instance, “Top 10 Reasons to”.

Final thoughts

By choosing trending topics for article writing, you can definitely improve your website ranking. Invest your time and efforts in improving your content writing skills. It will certainly pay off in the near future. Though the list is too long, you need to come up with innovative blog topics that drive your target audience. Here are the top 5 reasons why you need to hire web content writing services for branding.

Penned By: Aanchal Patil

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