Saturday, March 21, 2020

12.00 AM thoughts that keep me going

No matter how hard it gets, keep pushing yourself...
For one day, you will be surprised by your capabilities...

No matter how confused or lost you feel during your 20s,
Never stop trying, exploring and pushing your limits...

Don’t be afraid of failures,
How you channelize your energy after a setback is all that matters...

The bigger your challenge,
The more satisfying your rewards...

The higher the stakes,
The more chances of you giving your best shot...

The greater the obstacle,
The greater the accomplishment...

It’s okay to stumble and fall on your path,
But it’s not okay to never take the first step...

It’s okay to fear the unknown,
But it’s not okay to never take that risk...

Do not let the rough phases affect your confidence,
Know that there is no growth in your comfort zone...

Do not let the opinion and expectations of others suppress your inner voice,
Trust your intuition, it never fails to guide you...

Do not give up!
For one day, you will be so proud of yourself for rising above the chaos 
and achieving your dreams...

Penned By: Aanchal Patil

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