Monday, November 26, 2018

Commercial Vs Residential Real Estate – Tips to write property descriptions

In this competitive real estate industry, what makes you stand out? It is simply your real estate content. Do you wish to convert your visitors to potential clients? Then you need to write customer friendly property descriptions. In other words, your descriptions need to communicate the value of your properties. Have you planned your real estate marketing process? Make sure you pay special attention to your real estate content.

Furthermore, commercial real estate is quite different from residential real estate.

* Commercial real estate focuses more on business. In other words, you either sell or lease your commercial property. Or perhaps use it to achieve a business objective. Or to gain return on the funds you have invested.

* On the other hand, residential properties deal with the needs of a family. You purchase a house for yourself. Or probably for your family.

How do you convey the value of your commercial and residential properties? Your content should convince your visitors to get in touch with you. You need to follow certain tips while writing your property descriptions.

1. Keep it simple and brief

While writing property descriptions, try to include all the facts within 80 to 150 words. Furthermore, you need to explain the key information in an easily understandable manner. Most people usually scan though your content. And not read it completely. In case of commercial real estate, you need to focus more on the locality. On the other hand, residential real estate content needs to focus more on the comforts.

2. Highlight the USPs

While writing about a house, you need to include all the modern amenities and basic facilities. In addition, try to highlight certain amenities with interesting sentences. You need not worry if your house to be sold is simple. You can write about the surrounding areas. However, commercial properties possess a lot of unique selling points. Apart from the building features, you can include tax credits, zoning, nearby developments etc. You can also include information about access to transportation.

3. Define your target audience

This is yet another important tip. You need to be clear with who is this property for. In other words, who is the ideal buyer or tenant? A particular visitor may not have considered your property earlier. May be because the visitor was not sure if your property was a suitable option. Write what is your commercial property suitable for? For instance, showroom, hotel, shop, clinic etc. When you mention about this, you tend to attract the genuine buyers. It also helps you to get rid of irrelevant prospects

            ''A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit. — Richard Bach''

4. Boost social proof

In order to build trust, you need to back up your real estate content with facts. When you provide a social proof in your content, it adds to your credibility. For instance, you can include quality of tenants or quantity of tenants. Suppose your commercial property is located in a prime area of Bangalore. You can write “Electronic City is a home to 200 IT Companies”. This quantity can have a powerful impact on your visitors. You can also mention if certain elite people reside near your residential property.

5. Optimize your content

How do you search for a particular property online? You enter the property type and location in Google. Similarly, people enter the combination of keywords on Google. Therefore, you need to include certain keywords in your property descriptions. For example, where is your property located? And what type is it? Make sure your content is optimized for SEO. Also, check for spelling and grammar before posting. You can hire a content writing agency and outsource your work.

Final thoughts

Is your real estate content convincing your visitors? Are your real estate marketing efforts working for you? If not, make certain changes to your current plan. We are now aware that the residential and commercial properties differ. And therefore we need to apply a different approach while describing each type. Your real estate website content also plays a major role. It attracts buyers, investors and sellers to your website. On the other hand, when you outsource content writing, you can enjoy additional advantages. Get started now, and let your content speak for your brand.

                                                                              Penned By: Aanchal Patil      

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