Thursday, June 18, 2020

Top 10 technical skills in 2020

If you ask me the 10 most important work skills in 2020, there would be many adding from all the years before such as complex problem solving, creativity, critical thinking, self-orientation and so on but the most important skills to learn in 2020 to earn money would lie on the lines of technical skills. Technical skills are almost like survival tactics to keep you updated with the ever-evolving strategies as well as the market trends.
Since technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace at each year passing by it also brings in the latest and most demanded tech skills. Artificial intelligence and Data Analytics are redefining the way companies operate in today’s world and will continue to do so for a long time to come. To maintain your companies position at the top in a world driven by data it is essential to recruit employees with the talent of advanced technical skills.

If you’re finding a way to improve your technical skills, here are the Top 10 Technical skills in 2020. 

1. Cognitive Cloud Computing

It is an extended ecosystem through which we can deploy cognitive cloud computing applications and solutions to the masses using cloud computing. Cognitive cloud computing also helps to converse big data into natural language. It is expected to generate a revenue of whooping 13.8 Bn dollars alone making it one of the essential skills to learn in 2020 to earn money. It is also known as one of the next big things in the IT industry making it one of the top 10 IT skills in demand for 2020. 

2. 5G Technology

5G represents the next generation of cellular networks and services. Switzerland tops being the current world leader in 5G technology followed by South Korea and then the United States. The 5G technology is 40 times faster than the current 4G LTE, opening doors for new services, network operations and customer experience on the part of telecom operators.

3.  Big Data

With all businesses moving beyond the traditional ways of data storage and processing Big Data has made it’s way to the big games. All data generated along with big data but is untapped is Dark Data. The potential of big data is unlimited. By the year 2020, 93% of all data generated to date will fall under dark data by 2020.


It is a future technology pattern consisting of different technologies and considered to be a catalyst for change in the post-digital world. DARQ stands for -

  • Distributed Ledger
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Extended Reality
  • Quantum Computing 

5. 3D Printing

3D printing is revolutionizing technology. It said to completely change the phase of domains such as healthcare, manufacturing, and construction. With a market size of 10 Bn, it is expected to grow at 23.5% every year for the next 5 years.

6. Internet of Things

It is estimated that 75 billion devices are going to be connected to the internet by the end of 2020. It also paved the way for edge computing. For enterprises to keep up with the technological trends they have to build their infrastructure upon edge-based design patterns. Not just big companies but even small businesses are tied up with IoT. 

7. DevOps

DevOps plays a key aspect not just in software developments, but also in operations management. DevOps has made its way into artificial intelligence through data ops.

8. Hyper Automation 

Hyper automation is nothing but an amalgamation of 2 super technologies of this era, RPA and Machine Learning. Understanding the automation mechanisms and how it is controlled and coordinated using machine learning will be the main focus of this field.

9. Cybersecurity

The widespread use of the IT ecosystem in cybersecurity remains one of the major concerns for most companies. It is almost necessary to converge multiple nascent cybersecurity trends due to the automation of cybersecurity as well as the public development of IT infrastructure making it one of the top IT skills in demand for 2020.

10.  AI-as-a-Service

Artificial intelligence is one of the most revolutionizing technologies of this era and in 2020 it is going to boom even more. But to build and deploy AI-based solutions continues to be a very expensive affair on the part of most businesses.

So here you have it, at least of what I’ve found out about, the top 10 technical skills in 2020 which can help you improve your technical skills and also guide you as to what technological skills and developments are required other than important work skills in 2020.

Penned By: Arnold Daniel

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