Thursday, September 3, 2020

Why Being Mentally Prepared is Important?

What if we face a job crisis (which we’re actually facing right now:|) which demands us to learn a particular course/skill, how well are we prepared for it? 

First of all, do you think any mental preparation is required for such a thing?


Let us first know what Mental preparation is? Well I guess it is making up your mind to handle unexpected situations strategically with a calm mind when you are assigned to do a particular task/goal. This task/goal can be self-assigned or it can be an order by people above you.


Let me explain to you with a simple example,

Example of Athletes or Sports Person:


Most of the time athletes or any sports person are first prepared mentally by their coaches when they’ll be training for their big-games. It involves developing positive attributes within them like having self-belief, retaining the confidence, avoiding distractions and handling pressure. These things will help them to cope up with difficult and challenging situations.


Another example is of the soldiers:


Before going to any missions, the soldiers are clearly explained about the purpose of the mission and are well prepared for it. Further they’re trained to remain calm during difficult situations. This will help them in not making any wrong decisions with irrational thoughts. Further, they’re taught how to get  alternate solutions (just like in the climax of URI movie when a group decides to enter into enemies territory through Caves and not directly land from their choppers) to make their mission successful when they’re looking for last minute changes in their plan.


Now, you may say “Why do I need this? I’m neither an athlete nor a soldier”:


In the present scenario, being mentally prepared is very important. It'll prepare you to some extent when you’re doing something to get level up in life.

Being prepared mentally helps you concentrate on your goals. It will also help you to fight with the failures and the negativity around you which is very important. Because when failures and negativity hit, people start taking irrational decisions. Such decisions end up wasting all the efforts put. Sometimes, they go to an extent of giving up their own lives.

How can we get mentally prepared?

Though you get many different ways when you search on the internet mental preparation, here I’d like to share some of those that I know and very fond of,


Know your “Why?”: Before you set a path for your goal and start walking on it, know why you want to reach that goal and what you’ll achieve after reaching it. Always be clear with your “Why?” as it’s the main source for your “Inner-motivation” which is more important than any other external-motivation from you-tube videos.


Resources and Planning: Having the resources is not important, rather having the right resources is very much important. Having the right resources is like having a road-map to reach your destination. Whereas, planning lets you have an idea of the timeline you have and the amount of effort you need to put everyday to achieve your goal.


Self discipline: Getting distracted is very easy in the present situation. Whereas, trying to focus on a particular thing is going to need a lot of efforts and the best way of being focused is to be self disciplined. Now becoming self disciplined is not an overnight thing. As I said it will need your efforts. 

(How to be self disciplined? Well, it’ll need a separate post for it, so let's not dig too deep into it.)


For now just remember, being self disciplined is the most important thing. It will help you to be consistent with your plans and avoid distractions. It’ll take you one step closer at a time towards your goals.


Positive mind-set, Self-belief and Confidence: These 3 qualities are very important as they act as your superhero weapons (just like how every superhero has one) when you deal with any negativity and failures. Note that being highly positive and overconfident may lead you to never reach your goals.


Confused? Wanna know how? Read the next point my friend;)


Recognizing your mistakes and plan for alternate solutions: When you’re doing something new, you will face many failures. Further, you may even get intuitions that things aren’t going as you planned. Don’t neglect these things by being highly positive and over confident. If things aren’t working then better change your plans and try approaching through alternate ways which are more convenient to you. 


Now you may ask, “What if I don’t change my plans?” Well, the outcome’s pretty simple, You’ll end up losing interest as the outcome is ZERO and it would be too late for you to understand that you’ve not made a proper use of your time and efforts. 

Well these are a few things of many things that I felt like sharing and hope they’ll help you in one or the other way.

Penned By: Shiv_rh


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