Thursday, July 16, 2020

How to boost traffic to your blog?

Website traffic is not just about popularity or getting more visitors so that you can brag about it.  There is more to the website or blog traffic than just visitors. Though it sounds impressive to say you got 1,00,000 visitors this day,  in reality, is it really helping you? You should always have another reason to increase your blog traffic. You should always focus on getting the right traffic to your website. When you get the right traffic, you will be able to convert those number of visitors into opportunities. This can be an opportunity to increase your brand awareness, project an impression, build relationships, generate leads, and ultimately grow your business. 

If you wish to increase the number of visitors it is not possible only through better writing. You might have been working really hard on your blog but the number of visitors may not seem to increase. One reason can be, you are unaware of how to get more visitors to your blog. Now that you know why it is important to get quality traffic to your website, Let us learn how to increase blog traffic. 

Tips to increase blog traffic

Here are some 10 simple tips that you can implement in your websites or blogs. These tips will help you in understanding how to get more visitors to your blog and thereby getting relevant traffic. All the tips given below are such that you will not need any external help to implement these in your blogs. 

1. Always plan on content that  can  generate traffic 

You cannot plan on how to boost traffic to your blog after publishing the blog. The technique to increase traffic starts when you plan to write. You have to consider a few elements before writing a blog.

  • Selection of topic: No matter how good your blog is, if the topic is not interesting, you will suffer from low traffic. You can take the help of tools like Buzzsumo, SEMrush to know what topic is trending and what keywords are gaining ranks in Google
  • Choosing content-type: According to the study of BuzzSumo, infographics and list posts receive a lot of traffic when compared to other content types
  • Adding value to your blog: You should look for the exceptional and unique angle that makes your blog stand out. If you think your content is similar to many others then you should add some depth, unique angle to your blog

2. Constantly monitor what is trending so that you can write newsworthy articles

You can follow large publications to keep a track of what is trending and be the first one to write something about it. This is the best way to get traffic to your blog. People always tend to visit sites that have an on-going story.

3. Improve your website design

If the design of your website is shabby and dull, it will not attract many visitors. The design should always be clean and crisp. There are many freely available themes that are actually beautiful and captivating. You can use these to create an attractive website.

4. Make sure your website does not take much time to load

If the load time of your website is very slow then it will affect the traffic. Nobody wants to wait for a website to load. The slow loading time of blogs and websites can drop the number of visitors real quickly. Hence spend some time improving your websites’ loading time. You can use tools like LoadImpact, PageSpeed Insights to achieve better load time.

5. Understand the importance of SEO and try to apply it on your website 

If you practice SEO strategy, you can make your website search engine friendly.  You do not need an expert to include SEO in your website. You can use tools like YoastSEO to improve your blog or websites’ search engine friendliness.

6. Always Include great headlines 

Whenever users see the results of the search engine, they first read the headline of your article. If your headline is boring, it is likely that readers will just scroll by it. Whenever the headline is catchy, readers tend to click on it. Hence always write the best headlines. This is another best way to get traffic to your blog. 

7. Implement Internal Linking 

Always make it a habit to include internal links to articles which are already existing on your website. This is helpful for SEO implementation too. Google will try to understand the relationship between all your articles and uses this information to create a rank for your website.

8. Create visually appealing blog posts

Always try to include images or charts in your blogs. This will make your website attractive to the readers and hence increase the readability of a blog. Make sure the images you use are not copyrighted. Using copyrighted images will have consequences. Hence it is better to use tools that offer free images. 

9. Learn to use the reader-generated data

Your visitors and readers will generate data on your website by giving your post a thumbs up or by commenting on it. Use these comments to increase your content and style of blogging. Make it a point to engage yourself in conversations with your readers.

10. Use Social Media to promote your website 

Social media is a powerful platform where you can reach a wide range of audiences. Utilize such platforms and keep promoting your website and old articles. Make sure your blogs automatically get published on other linked platforms. This will help in better promotion of your website. 

By implementing the tips given above, you will surely see a rise in the number of visitors. Most importantly, if you know how to boost traffic to your blog, you will definitely grab the attention of many leads online and grow rapidly. Along with these tips, you should regularly write blogs to maintain persistence. Now it’s time to get your website going. 
Penned By: Yashaswini Kudachi 

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